Mattituck, Teledyne Mattituck (US)

Mattituck engines are assembled by Teledyne Mattituck Services (part of the Teledyne Technologies Corp.) in Mattituck, New York and Fairhope, Alabama. The firm has been an FAA-approved maintenance, overhaul and parts provider for Continental and Lycoming engines since 1948. Among their many services, they began in about 2003 to assemble Superior XP-360, then ECI Titan 361 and Lycoming O-360 engines for uncertificated, homebuilt experimental aircraft from engine kits provided by Superior Air Parts, ECI, and Lycoming, respectively (KP4/05, 7/05). In 2005, the firm began to assemble uncertificated versions of TMX O-320, TMX IO-320, TMX IO-390, TMX O-540, and TMX IO-540 from Lycoming-provided kits using all certificated parts (except for the TMX IO-390, for which the pistons and cylinders are not certificated by Lycoming). They also assemble versions of three Teledyne Continental engines, the TMX O-200 (formerly XO-200-A), the TMX IO-240 (formerly XIO-240-B), and the TMX IOF-240, again for uncertificated, homebuilt experimental aircraft. Specifications for these engines can be found under the Continental listings on this Website for the O-200 and IO-240. Finally, they assemble uncertificated versions of many of the Lycoming engines equipped with Teledyne Aerosance FADEC systems for engine control. Details about Mattituck and their products can be found on the Teledyne Mattituck Website.


Updated 11/28/05